rev. Sept 2023
The original design by God is 364 days a year, with some months being 31 days, and others being 30 days (Enoch 72:32; Jubilees 6:32), thus, the average month consists of 30.3 days. The idea of the days of the month being 30 days in the Bible, was based on the 150 day difference between the 17th day of the 2nd month, and the 17th day of the 7th month (Genesis 7:11; Genesis 8:3). So for both to be true, this would mean that some of the remaining 7 months would have 31 days. When the law was given to Moses, the sacred year started with Abib, also known as Nisan. This is the 1st month of the year, (Exo 12:2; Exo 13:4; Est. 3:7) and there are 12 months a year (Est 3:7; 1 Kings 4:7). It is important that the 1st month starts on a new moon for the Passover to fall on a full moon, the 14th day (Exo 12:6; Exo 13:10; Psa 81:3; Lev 23:5-6).
As per the book of Jubilees, the sin in the world impacted the solar calendar (Jubilees 6:38). The solar year was changed from 364 days to 365 and a quarter days per year. The moon cycle is 354 days per year. This is about 10 days shy of the solar year. If one only uses the 12 month moon cycle as the basis for the year, then the various feasts, such as “feast of first fruits” would sometimes be in the winter when there is no harvest. Therefore, the months need to match the solar calendar, not the solar match the moon. This was important for the festivals to coincide with the seasonal harvests (Exo 13:15-16; Lev 23:9-14). To compensate for the difference in moon and solar cycle, some Israelites have instituted a leap year, meaning that they periodically added a 13th month to some of the years. This was added after the 12th month. This month was known as Adar 2. It was added 7 times during a 19year cycle, which equates to approximately once every 3years. This meant that a leap year would be 383, or ,385 days and the other years would equal 354 days. However, this is not found in the scripture.
As per the scripture, there are 12 months a year, not 13. And there was no significant day mandated for the 11th and 12th month. In other words, the 11th and 12th month could have a longer time period, maybe 3 moon cycles. Therefore, the moon cycle was not important during this time period. What was important was the 1st Month, Abib, the start of the year. This needed to start on the new moon, close to where the length of the day and night were relatively the same, the equinox, in order to ensure the harvest matched the festivals.
3 Interesting Points:
1) The sacred year started Abib, and the counting of the year starts at the 1st of Abib, when the Israelites came out of Egypt (Num 1:1; 1 Kings 6:1). However, the counting for the years of “Jubilee” did not start at Abib but counting started from the 10th day of the 7th month (Lev 25:9-17).
2) Today, many Jews keep the Passover on the 15th of Abib or Nisan, and there are a few who keep it on the 14th. The issue is understanding which part of the day twilight belongs to. Is it at the start or end of the Biblical day? As per Genesis 1:5, We know that the Biblical day starts at evening and finishes in the day. However, does the day start when the sun sets, meaning when the sun goes below the horizon, twilight, or does it start when there is total darkness? The answer: the 15th Abib is a High Sabbath, Unleavened Bread, a day of rest (Lev 23:6, Num 28:17) therefore if twilight was at the end of the 14th of Abib, then the Disciples would have eaten the Passover in the evening on the 15th of Abib. This would have been the same day as the High Sabbath, which would not be correct. In addition, the Jewish leaders would not have sent officers to carry clubs to arrest someone on the High Sabbath, nor hold hearings on the High Sabbath. Therefore it is only logical that Yeshua and the 1st Century Jews kept Passover at the start of 14th Abib, meaning twilight was the start of the day, not the end.
3) During the 7 year world Tribulation period, the solar calendar seems to speed up for the first half and slow down for the next half. In the first three and a half years, when the two witnesses are on earth and protecting the Temple of God (Rev 11:2-3), there is an average of 360 days a year. This is based on the first 1,260days (Rev 12:6), which is 3 ½ years (Dan 12:7, Rev 12:14). 1,260 days is in the middle of the 7 years when the two Witnesses are killed, the daily sacrifices stopped, and the Beast takes possession of the Temple of God (Dan 9:27). When the two Witnesses are gone, the Beast takes possession of the Temple (Dan 9:27), the Beast is killed (Rev 13:3, 14), and the Dragon gives him power to continue to reign for another 42 months, causing abominations in the Temple of God for 1,290 days (Rev 13:5, Dan 12:11). This is an average of 368.6 days per year. To summarize, the first 3 ½ years is 1,260days, and the second 3 ½ years is 1,290days. After the first 3 ½ years, the change is more drastic (8 days different), and maybe this is the impetus for the Beast to change the times (Dan 7:25).
Controversial areas SOLVED
1) The festival sabbaths are done away with (referred to in Col. 2:16, not the 7th Day Sabbath).
2) That Yeshua was resurrected on the 17th not on the 16th First Fruits.
3) His disciples would have been in Jerusalem for 9 days after Yeshua's ascension before Holy Spirit descended upon them (not referring to the infilling that happened 1-2 days after His resurrection John 20:22).
4) There are 12 months of the year, however there was a 13th Month included every 3years to compensate for the Solar Calendar known as Adar 2 or Veadar (100BC-70AD), as they used the moon cycle (354 days per year). This was done by the Pharisees and is not Biblical. Prior to this per the book of Enoch (dead sea scrolls), there was 364 days per year. Some believe, based on other artefacts, that a week was added every 7 years to compensate for the solar leap years and extra day.
5) 3 times a year the men were to appear at Jerusalem - Festival of Unleavened Bread (included Passover), Of Weeks and Tabernacles (included Day of Atonement).
6) The Biblical Year starts in Abib (Nisan) - the start of the year. The Civil year starts in Tishri, this is when the Jubilee years are counted from.
7) Festivals that were added by people not God (~400BC Purim, ~150BC lights). There was no pre-requisite of coming to Jerusalem. Yeshua was in Jerusalem at the time during the festival of dedication, therefore people believed that He kept it. This is not true. I'm in Toronto during some festivals, please don't assume I participate in them.
8.) There is no place in the scripture that says the year is broken down into 12 months, however it does say when the first of the year needs to be - first fruit (spring). Also scripture does allude to a year being 52 weeks based on the 24x2 rotations of priests for the Temple and 3-4 weeks they served together during the festivals of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost and Tabernacles. (1 Chr. 9:25; 24:6-19; 2 Chr. 5:11). The Book of Enoch states there are 12 months - based on 30 & 31 days with a total of 364days/year.